
Donald Trump ~ Windfarms
Self-Interested Lies!

Self-Interested Lies. No change there then!


Xi Jinping ordered a genocide
CCP Horror

Putin is silencing his opponents
Opposition to Putin challenging

China and Taiwan
CCP Horror

The rocky road to democracy

Vladimir Pozner
Then they came for me

Trump Booed
Idiots seeing reason? I doubt it…

Stole 20 things from me…

Best Of Forbes 2021
Look What You Can Look Forward To In 2022

The Big Cheat
Donald Trump: Beggar in Chief


POTUS Pinocchio 45

Conspiracy of lies
How corrupt can legislators be?

Putin & The FT
A Clear and unambiguous view…

Donald J Trump
Idiots Make You Laugh

King George V

Lee Harvey Oswald

Trump Rants

Jack Barsky

Chasing History

Jen Psaki

Fiona Hill

Garry Kasparov

Fiona Hill

Sir Robert John Sawers

Bill Browder

Bill Browder

Teritorial Itegrity

Putin’s Playbook

Martin Hyde

Johnny Harris

Alexey Gudoshnikov

Christopher Steele

Intelligence Squared

Russian Motorised Brigade Soldiers Captured
Deluded Kremlin

No Hiding Place

Oligarchs in London
Run but you can’t hide

FSB hit squad
Boris Nemtsov

Fiona Hill on alleged Russian atrocities

Noam Chomsky
A Most Dangerous Point

Arnold Schwarzenegger
Acting Tough…

Bill Browder Again!

Stephen Fry

Iron Curtain

Noam Chomsky and Jeremy Scahill

Drones, hackers and mercenaries

Lord Dannatt

Clair Patterson

Calabrian Mafia in Italy

Joseph Goebbels

‘Psychopath’ Putin

Scam Centres

Hackers Humiliate Putin

Fiona Hill

Oligarchs choose London


Colonel Richard Kemp

Oliver Stone

Xi Jinping

Vitaliy and Wladimir Klitschko

Nina Khrushcheva

Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Bill Browder – CEO of Hermitage Capital

David Frum

Bill Browder: Freezing Order

Larry Johnson

Michael Moore

Vassily Nebenzia

General Jack Keane

Liubov Tsybulska

Russo-Ukrainian War

Neil Oliver

General Sir Patrick Sanders

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Jonathan Pie

Mark Urban


Sergei Lavrov


Philip Short

Matt Frei

Lesia Vasylenko

Bill Browder Again

Dagogo Altraide

— About ColdFusion —
ColdFusion is an Australian based online media company independently run by Dagogo Altraide since 2009. Topics cover anything in science, technology, history and business in a calm and relaxed environment.


Yuri Felshtinsky

Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Klaus Schwab

John Pilger on Ukraine and Assange

Jack Barsky

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Keoki Jackson

Abramovich Superyacht Seeking Safety

Richard Moore

POTUS Pinocchio 45

Jake Broe

Rob O’Neill

Fiona Hill again…

TVP World

John Sweeney

Who succeeds President Vladimir Vladimirovich 5 Kopek’s Putin

The true impact of sanctions on Russia


Russia Collapsing

Russia’s Military is Under Attack in Crimea

Arseniy Yatsenyuk


Xiao Qian

Putin’s Allies in Moscow ~ Jake Broe

Ukraine Will Have Air Superiority by January

Is Putin destroying Ukraine, Belarus and Russia?

Michael Cohen

Is This a Turning Point?

Yanis Varoufakis on Energy

Jeffrey Sachs

John Sweeney

Russians leave behind odd message
Russian detainees expose Moscow police

“Money Flowing” Despite Sanctions…

Is the West’s propaganda flawed?

Bill Browder on his war

Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Martin Sixsmith

The end of President Vladimir Vladimirovich 5 Kopek’s Putin

The End Game Is Nigh


Fraud: The Big Four

Barbarossa: The Lost Diaries

Julia Ioffe Marks Putin’s Card

Bill Browder makes concrete proposals to end the President Vladimir Vladimirovich 5 Kopek’s Putin nightmare

Women. Who needs them? Everyone!

Fight or Flight

Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges

General Ben Hodges

Norway Save Europe?

Major-General Chip Chapman

William Spaniel Associate Professor

Bibi Benjamin Netanyahu

Nikola Tesla

Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Fiona Hill and Sarah Kelly

Michael Cohen on Trump Tax Returns

Dr Burzynski and the Cancer Cure Cover-up

Paul Massaro

Jake Broe: The nuclear threat

Crime and the FBI

1938 Again!

Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang

Chess anyone?

Price Caps Work?

Gee up Neddy
Not only the CCP

Messing with US unwise…


Yevgeny Prigozhin ~ Not a pastry chef

Fantasy Land

Just a Puppet

Madness | Безумие

Matt Frei

Fiona Hill

Sanctions biting Russia

Losing your Raison d’être

Hold steady…


Asia Rises


Every Airforce pilot is a King

Beat Russia or beat Putin?

Smoke and Mirrors

There Is Nothing for You Here

Russia Today?

The balloon is up

Left or Right?

Joseph Goebbels

Leaders Who Are Narcissistic

Democratic politicians are insecure

Appalling mistake

Operation Goat

Poles apart…

Mistakes mean failure…


The End Is Nigh

William Felix Browder


They Are Bombing

Courage is knowing what not to fear

Crime On Wheels


Cunning Plan

In Deep Water

Uyghurs Pay

Existential Threat

An Enigma

Century of Humiliation

Mark Hollingsworth

Falun Gong

FBI & China

The great thieves

The Big Lie

All that glitters…

Rouges Gallery

Barking mad…

Fragile Power

A Poor Show

All that glitters

Beware the King



1984 For Real

Disguising Narcisism

Sick Burn

Comedian’s Outshine Others

Murky Waters

Abject Failure

Prove Pivotal

Ukrainian Spring

Russian imperialism

Dissent Rife!

Ilya Ponomarev

Weakness exposed


Headache for Putin

Decapitation Putin


Get’s my Goat!

Our own Mafia

The enemy is within the gates

What comes next?

Russian Bollocks

Alliance’s Bizarre Unanimity Rule

Who to trust


Russian Protection Racket…

Glory to Ukraine

Russia Fails!

Putin will not stop


Child abuse…

Nothing is more noble…

Bill Bites

Chinese Whispers


Dead Man Walking

Horrific cluster

Western hegemony over?

Hopes Dashed

False friend?

Lied to?

Chinese burn!

Red Notice

Remaking Stalin

Strange times

An obvious fact

Dumb Ways to Die

Big Brother!

Don’t count your chickens…

DJI Mavic

Think Ahead!

Remember your children…

Wolf in sheep’s clothing

President Vladimir Vladimirovich 5 Kopek’s Putin wonders…

Mind-numbing character

Ongoing mystery…

Never split the difference

Brilliant Insights…

Murder will out…

Alien abduction

Interference from the Kremlin…

Public execution…

What binds us all?

Clear the decks…

It’s not a game…

UK Armed Services re-think required

You couldn’t make it up…

Remove five floors of people at the UN, nobody notices’…

Foot to the metal and a hand on the tiller.

The very survival…

To The Point


Fatal Error

Our Children

The Law on Counter-measures…

Tory Cockup Criminally Extreme…


History bites…

We Never Learn…

Cock-up Personified…

Orban ~ Putin’s Little Bitch

The Note Taker

We shall continue to bomb our own cities until we win says Vladimir Vladimirovich 5 Kopek’s Putin

Intellectually challenging…

CIA Screwed…

Do you trust the Kremlin?

Dangerously bonkers


Russia, China and North Korea

Are you surprised?





Cruel deception

Pure courage



Butt Clenching

Deserved condemnation…

John Gotti like Trump…

Bye bye Putin (If)

Airbourne Novichok

Pimlico Assasination

Pourquoi l’Ukraine

Look before you leap…

Fraud within Europe

In Store




Olof Palme mystery

Thoughtless criminals

Death by a thousand cuts…

What you wish for…


All people are born alike

Keep your eyes open

Problem for Moscow

Follow the money…

A Mysterious Construct

A mental disorder and prevailing circumstances since childhood manifests itslf badly during adulthood…

Meat Grinder…

Legal Corruption Personified…

5 Kopeks Putin…

Tweeted via Focus OmniTweet:



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