Lex Fridman Podcast 001 Max Tegmark Life 3.0
Max Tegmark: Life 3.0
Lex Fridman is a computer scientist and AI researcher at MIT
Steven Pinker
Lex Fridman | Steven Pinker
Always predict the worst and you will be hailed as a prophet!
Yoshua Bengio: Deep Learning
Deep Learning | Lex Fridman Podcast #4
Vladimir Vapnik: Statistical Learning
Lex Fridman Podcast #5
Guido van Rossum: Python
python Bacground
Eric Schmidt: Google
Past Google CEO
Lex Fridman Podcast #8
Tuomas Sandholm
Heads Up Texas Hold’em
Advice for young people: Be a pioneer
Christof Koch | Consciousness
Tomaso Poggio
Brains, Minds, and Machines
Kyle Vogt
Successful Entrepreneur
Eric Weinstein
Greg Brockman
Elon Musk
Ian Goodfellow
Oriol Vinyals
Chris Lattner
Rajat Monga
Gavin Miller
Rosalind Picard
Jeff Hawkins: Thousand Brains Theory of Intelligence
Sean Carroll
Kai-Fu Lee
Chris Urmson
Gustav Soderstrom
Kevin Scott: Microsoft CTO
Oliver Stone
George Hotz
Jonathan Haidt
Jack Barsky
Keoki Jackson
Pamela McCorduck
Yann LeCun
Vijay Kumar
François Chollet
Garry Nolan
Colin Angle
Demis Hassabis
Regina Barzilay
Leonard Susskind
Peter Norvig
David Ferrucci
Michio Kaku With Lex Fridman
Elon Musk 2
There Is Nothing for You Here
The Big Nap
Never split the difference
Brilliant Insights…
Black Sheep Harvard…
Pimlico Assasination
No Worries…
Brains will out…
How to deal with a Narcissist…
The new ‘Vassal State’?
War is hell…