Macron is changing NATO stance on Ukraine. Bernard-Henri Lévy, interview (BHL)

2,671 views Apr 9, 2024 #BHL #Macron #Ukraine

Bernard-Henri Lévy (also known as BHL) speaks with Ukrainian journalist Sergiy Sydorenko, European Pravda about Macron’s brave decision to lift limits for France on backing Ukraine in Russo-Ukrainian war. The interview is also available with Ukrainian voiceover: (Дивиться також з українським перекладом:

The war against Ukraine waged by Russia has already reached the scale of World War III, says Lévy in the interview.

Emmanuel Macron is sure that it’s not just Ukraine’s war. That war and this victory mean a lot to Ukraine, to France and Europe.

Since 2022 Bernard-Henri Lévy visited Ukraine plenty of times and filmed three movies: Pourquoi l’Ukraine, Slava Ukraini, and Glory to Heroes.

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00:00 Intro
01:12 Do French people support Ukraine?
02:05 Macron, bold on Ukraine. How did it happen?
03:04 New French policy: no limits in war
04:30 French army in Ukraine?
05:23 Munich Agreement-1938 shouldn’t happen again!
06:38 War in Europe, not just in Ukraine
08:21 French elections? Ukraine at the centre!
09:41 Will Russia attack NATO?
12:25 “As long as takes” madness
14:29 “Biden miracle” and Trump
15:39 The World War III
17:02 Ukraine can win fast
19:07 Russian war or Putin’s war?
21:21 Ukrainians Should Change Europe

#BHL #Macron #Ukraine





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Macron is changing NATO stance on Ukraine. Bernard-Henri Lévy, interview (BHL) | | Politicians also have no leisure, because they are always aiming at something beyond political life itself, power and glory, or happiness ~ Aristotle (c. 384-322 BCE)

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